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  • Rico Birkmann

6 Essential Characteristics that Make a Good German Tutor

What makes a good German tutor? The meaning of a good German tutor might mean different things to different people. Just like students, tutors can be very different in their behaviour and teaching styles. Below, you can find a list of characteristics that I find crucial and that are important to me. For a student's long-term success, it is important to work with a tutor who matches their expectations and where learning is fun and effective.



1. Organisation and Preparation

A good tutor is well organised, with well-structured classes and clear objectives. These objectives should be communicated to the student. The notes that the tutor and the student take should be organised in such a way that even weeks later, it is easy to remember what has been taught and learned. This includes headlines, bolding, underlining, etc. Additionally, a good organisation prevents the loss of valuable time during the lessons. Make sure to choose a tutor who prepares for a lesson. Unfortunately, there are many tutors who don’t think it is necessary since they are native speakers; however, even native speakers have to prepare certain grammar rules and good examples to make sure they can explain the language in an effective way.

2. Communications

Probably one of the most important characteristics on this list is communication skills. Communication does not only consist of verbal factors; it is far more than that. Good tutors listen carefully and patiently to the students’ needs and adapt their teaching style accordingly. When giving feedback, discussing with the student, or explaining rules, a tutor should speak clearly and set clear expectations. While these are verbal skills, a tutor should also understand non-verbal communication. Some students might be more shy than others and won’t speak up if they don’t understand something. An experienced tutor should pay attention to non-verbal signs and realize when help is needed. When communicating, there should also be a good balance between humour and seriousness—and adapt depending on who is being taught.


3. Knowledge

This seems like a no-brainer, but, of course, it is of utmost importance that a tutor has the right skills and knowledge to teach the subject. Ask yourself whether your tutor knows what he or she is talking about and what experience he or she brings to the table. With regard to languages, it is best to learn with native speakers, as this ensures a great understanding, knowledge, and better explanation of, e.g., pronunciations.


4. Motivation and Engagement

This point targets two things: the tutors’ motivation as well as the tutors ability to motivate the student. A good tutor should be motivated for the right reasons. Does he or she just need some extra money on the side, or does he or she actually enjoy teaching and seeing the students progress? The right motivation is essential for the relationship's long-term success, as a tutor who genuinely enjoys teaching will be in it for the long term and not give up during hardships. On top of that, motivated tutors who enjoy their work will be more likely to get their students excited and keep them engaged, especially during difficult times. Learning a language is a challenge, and you should have the right tutor on your side. A good tutor encourages students and inspires them to learn the subject. A passionate tutor who loves teaching will share this energy with the students and motivate them even more. Being enthusiastic during a class makes it more fun for everybody and improves the overall learning experience.


5. Adaptability

A tutor often works with multiple students, all of whom behave and communicate differently. Tutors must be able to adapt to the different characters and change their teaching style accordingly. E.g., not every student expresses openly when they don’t understand something; some like a strict approach, others enjoy a more fun way of teaching. When it comes to learning languages, some students might find speaking easy while struggling with the grammar. Others understand the grammar rules quickly but have problems with listening comprehension. Being patient as a tutor is very important to not discourage or put pressure on the students. A good tutor can adapt to different students and provide the best possible learning experience. While oftentimes tutors have a full-time job on the side, it is great if a tutor can adapt to the organisational needs of his students as well; moving a class to another day or time or changing location shouldn’t constitute a big problem.


6. Empathy

Not everyone learns at the same speed or is highly motivated all the time. A tutor should be empathetic with the student, understanding the reasons for mistakes or demotivation. Learning a new language is never easy, and it can be frustrating at times. As a tutor, you should understand the struggles and be patient with students who need more time.


7. Summary

While the characteristics above are the ones that I find most important, there are several more important characteristics that a tutor should obtain. Alongside great organisation and knowledge, a tutor should be great at communicating with their students as well as finding ways to motivate and encourage them. Additionally, it is always best to learn a language with a native speaker who can deep-dive into the topics and give valuable advice.

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